The SQL Checklist: Become A Master In No Time

Yonathan Levy
4 min readMar 3, 2024

According to zipdo, SQL is the 4th most popular programming language, with 67% of database administrators favoring SQL as their preferred language. This language is oftentimes the key to unlocking the secrets held in databases, allowing us to ask questions, find answers, and make decisions based on data. Whether you’re aiming to boost your career, make informed business decisions, or simply satisfy your curiosity about data, mastering SQL is your first step towards becoming a data wizard. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the importance of SQL, provide a checklist to guide your learning journey, and share five fantastic places to learn SQL.

Why SQL Matters

Imagine you’re a detective in a world of endless data. SQL is your magnifying glass, enabling you to zoom in on the clues hidden within databases. It’s a universal language understood by nearly all database systems, making it an indispensable tool for anyone working with data. From generating reports to analyzing sales trends, SQL helps you extract meaningful insights from raw data. Its importance cannot be overstated in a world where data-driven decisions are the key to success.

The SQL Learning Checklist

Becoming proficient in SQL is like embarking on a quest. Here’s your checklist to guide you through this journey:

Understand the Basics

  • Start with the core concepts: Grasp what SQL is, why it’s indispensable in today’s data-driven world, and how it operates within databases. Get familiar with the syntax and structure of SQL queries, understanding the significance of each keyword and punctuation.
  • Explore SQL Data Types: Dive into the different data types SQL supports, such as integer, float, varchar, and date. Knowing these types is crucial for defining table columns and formulating queries accurately.

Master the CRUD Operations

  • CRUD stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete: These operations form the backbone of database management. Learn how to:
  • Create databases and tables to store data.
  • Read or query data to retrieve information from the database.
  • Update records to modify existing data.
  • Delete records to remove unwanted data.
  • Practice inserting data: Use INSERT INTO to add new rows to tables, and understand how to use SELECT statements to query and retrieve data efficiently.

Dive into Data Filtering

  • Master the use of WHERE, AND, OR, and NOT: These conditions are pivotal for filtering data in queries. Learn how to apply them to refine your search results, extracting only the data you need.
  • Understand pattern matching: Use LIKE, %, and _ for searches within your data that match specific patterns.

Get Comfortable with Joins

  • Understand the different types of joins: INNER, LEFT, RIGHT, and FULL JOINS are crucial for combining data from multiple tables based on related columns. Knowing when and how to use each type of join is key to effective data analysis.

Explore Grouping and Aggregates

  • Group data with GROUP BY: This command is essential for aggregating data into summarized formats.
  • Utilize aggregate functions: Functions like COUNT, SUM, AVG, MAX, and MIN allow you to perform calculations on grouped data, providing insights into your datasets.

Practice, Practice, Practice

  • Work on real-life problems: Apply what you’ve learned by tackling practical SQL challenges. Participate in coding challenges online and write queries to explore and analyze different datasets.
  • Review and refactor your queries: Continuously improve your SQL skills by reviewing your own work and that of others. Refactoring queries for efficiency and readability is a crucial part of the learning process.

Explore Advanced Topics

  • Delve into subqueries: Learn how to use nested queries to perform complex data analysis.
  • Understand indexes: Explore how indexes work and how they can be used to speed up data retrieval.
  • Experiment with views: Use views to simplify complex queries and enhance database security.
  • Master stored procedures and triggers: Learn how to automate tasks within your database by writing stored procedures and triggers.

5 Great Places to Learn SQL

Here are five excellent resources to kickstart or deepen your SQL learning journey:

  1. Codecademy: Codecademy offers an interactive SQL course that guides you through the basics to more advanced concepts with hands-on practice. I took their “Learn SQL” and “Learn Intermediate SQL for Marketers and Product Managers” courses and found them to be a decent tool for starting out.
  2. W3Schools: W3Schools provides a free SQL tutorial that’s great for getting a quick overview of SQL syntax and basic operations. It’s a wonderful resource for quick reference and practice.
  3. Khan Academy: Khan Academy offers a free introductory course on SQL, focusing on querying and managing data. Their interactive lessons and practice exercises make learning engaging.
  4. Udemy: Udemy features a variety of SQL courses for all levels, from beginner to advanced. Look for courses with high ratings and reviews to find the best fit for your learning style and goals.
  5. SQLZoo: SQLZoo is a unique, interactive platform where you can learn SQL by directly practicing your queries on sample databases. It’s excellent for hands-on learners.

Conclusion: Your Journey to Mastering SQL

Embarking on your SQL learning journey is like setting sail on a grand adventure. With each concept mastered, you’ll unlock new abilities to interrogate data, uncover insights, and make informed decisions. Remember, the key to mastery is practice and continuous learning. Use the resources we’ve shared, follow the checklist, and don’t be afraid to explore and experiment. SQL is not just a skill; it’s a superpower in today’s data-driven world. So grab your magnifying glass, detective, and start unraveling the mysteries hidden within the data. Your journey to becoming a SQL master begins now.

