Knows You Better Than Yourself: How Music Platforms Recommend Songs?It’s no secret that over the years social media platforms in general have become more and more appealing, attractive, and overall doing…Mar 18, 2024Mar 18, 2024
Predicting Loan Approval Chances Using Machine LearningIn the last U.S. census in 2020 the US counted 331.4 million residents, with almost 80% of them are people older than 18. Combined with the…Mar 8, 2024Mar 8, 2024
Assessing Obesity Risk With MLObesity is a complex, chronic disease characterized by excessive body fat accumulation, posing significant risks to health and well-being…Mar 4, 2024Mar 4, 2024
Data Science vs. Data Analysts: The Common, The Difference, And How To Tell Your Friends And FamilyThe data industry is a relatively new field. Unlike doctors, archiologists, school teachers and many other careers, the borderline between…Mar 3, 2024Mar 3, 2024
The SQL Checklist: Become A Master In No TimeAccording to zipdo, SQL is the 4th most popular programming language, with 67% of database administrators favoring SQL as their preferred…Mar 3, 2024Mar 3, 2024
How to Make Stunning and Impactive VisualizationsThe ability to present data in a clear, engaging, and impactful way is more important than ever. Since the dawn of time, people have used…Mar 3, 2024Mar 3, 2024